Good Brand Consulting, the key ingredient in the company`s branding foundation
Lets start from the company's first branding impression- The Logo. The importance of a Brand...
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Here Are The Major Pillars For a Successful Brand Strategy
The first thing that comes to a business owner's mind while setting up his company...
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6 Most Influential Branding Tools for an Effective Brand Strategy
Branding, a market practice which gives a name, design as well as symbol to a...
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Brand Ambassadors and their Role in Branding
In the present market scenario the competition has increased at its best and therefore brands...
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How the term “Branding” has changed from 1980’s to the present 2020
Since everything changes with the change in technology it has brought a tremendous impact on...
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History and Evolution of Advertisement
History and Evolution of Advertisement: From Inscriptions, Print, Television to the Birth of Advertising and Branding Agencies
Advertisement, a robust tool to change the world has experienced major milestones. Modern advertising marks...
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